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BIG BOOK : Nominated for Kids Design Award 2020

BIG BOOK is a children-sized book, big enough for kids to “enter” and experience it. instead of written tales the book has scenographies which work as backdrop for the child to create his own stories. children can flip through the pages and “travel” from one scenography into another.

This year was a special year for everyone, but I must say that it was one of my most productive years. I think this is true for many. Many of us found ourselves with more time to do the things we wanted to do, to take that course that we had been putting off for a while, to finish that sewing project, to learn a language.

For me it was double the feeling of having time again for my projects. In 2019 I had my daughter, and the first 8 - 9 months I dedicated myself to her full time. And as soon as she started walking, which luckily was early! She started to become a little more independent, and there I had a couple of hours again in which I could sit and do something. Of course, with 1500 pauses, naps, breastfeeding sessions, purées and walks in the park in between. But knowing that I have little "me time", makes me do the most of every minute.

There are many "blank" hours when I help her sleep, where I lay there in the bed with her on my breast. And while I am there in the dark room, my mind is still working and designing! I come out of that room full of new ideas. And it was thanks to one of those "blank" hours, of those chains of thoughts that take you from one ridiculous thought to another, that I came up with the idea of the big book. I thought, wouldn't be cool to have a book that it is big enough that you could just walk in like a portal? Obviously, the idea started out huge, at first there were pages with different smells and lights and everything. And the idea was gradually polished towards something feasible. Though how great would it be to really enter a book and experience the stories in the flesh, wouldn't it?

I sent my idea to the "Kids Design Award" contest, like let´s see what happens. I put together a nice presentation, with a model and everything. And ciao! I forgot about it. A month later I got an email saying that I was one of the 10 nominees! Among about 160 designs, from designers around the world. Wow! I couldn't believe it. But then came the interesting part. To make the prototype in full scale, and in record time! In 2 weeks, and in my super small living room, where the crib is and my husband is doing home office, I delivered big book! It was proof that you can do things with a 1 year old baby (and a husband) around hehe.

I defended the idea in front of the jury of the competition online. It was an interesting experience, although I was left with the desire of presenting the protoype live and exhibiting it at the Cologne fair! That's what would have happened in a world without corona. That would have been great.

Big book did not win but I am more than satisfied, because it was the impulse I needed to get out there and do things and trust myself as a designer. I am currently working on making Big Book ready for the market so you'll hear from it soon!

The child can flip through the pages and “travel” from one scenography into another.

The “Mountain and Forest” book theme chosen for the prototype consists of 3 scenarios: a mountainous landscape, a forest and a pop-up house interior.

It can also be used as a room divider, creating a comfortable “safe” place for the kid to sit, read or play. The attractive images help enrich the interior decoration of the child’s room.

Images of the first model:

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